NYS ENX: What You Need to Know


Thank you for doing your part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in New York by using the COVID Alert NY app and protecting your community through exposure alerts!

New York State has transitioned users from COVID Alert NY to NYS ENX: New York State Exposure Notifications for iPhone and Android. NYS ENX operates using the same voluntary, anonymous, exposure-notification technology as COVID Alert NY.

You are encouraged to enable NYS ENX: New York Exposure Notifications for iPhone and Android.

New York has made significant progress in the fight against COVID-19. Keep Using the Tools to Protect Against and Treat COVID-19: Vaccines, Testing, and Treatment.

How it Works

For detailed information on how exposure notifications work, please see COVID-19 Exposure Notifications Information and Resources


Exposure logging and notifications are completely anonymous. You will not be able to identify anyone that potentially exposed you to COVID-19, and others will not be able to identify you if you potentially exposed them. Your information is completely private and confidential. The app does not collect your name or personal information.

For more information on Google and Apple privacy please visit: https://covid19.apple.com/contacttracing




  1. Requires Android version 6.0 or newer. NYS ENX app should also be updated to the latest version in the Google Play store.
  2. Open the NYS ENX app and tap "Share your test result to help stop the spread of COVID-19"
  3. Tap the "I need a code button"
  4. Enter your phone number
  5. Enter your COVID-19 test date and tap the "Send Code" button
  6. Depending on your phone settings, either:
  7. Open the system alert, if you receive one, OR
  8. Tap the link in the text message you receive
  9. Read the instructions that follow, and tap "Continue"
  10. Enter the date your symptoms began and tap "Share" (if you did not have symptoms, tap "Skip")
  11. Tap "Share" on the pop-up that appears



  1. Requires iOS version 14.7 or newer (iPhone 7 and up).
  2. Go to your phone Settings and scroll down to Exposure Notifications
  3. Tap "Share a Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis"
  4. Read the instructions and tap" Continue"
  5. Enter your COVID-19 test date
  6. Enter your phone number, check the box, and tap "Continue"
  7. Get confirmation that verification code is sent
  8. Depending on your phone settings, either:
  9. Open the system alert, if you receive one, OR
  10. Tap the link in the text message you receive
  11. Read the instructions that follow, and tap "Continue"
  12. Answer the questions related to your symptoms
  13. Tap the "Share" button to anonymously notify others


For iPhones (iOS 12.5 or 13.7 and up) – If you choose to enable Exposure Notifications directly through your iPhone settings menu instead of downloading the NYS ENX app, click on:

Settings > Exposure Notifications > Turn on Exposure Notifications. Then follow the on-screen instructions on the screens to enable the feature on your iPhone.

The iPhone Exposure Notifications setting is for users who choose not to download NYS ENX from the App Store. For Android devices, please download NYS ENX from the Google Play Store.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I add my vaccinations into the App?

NYS ENX does not track, and report protected health information (PHI), such as diagnostic test results for COVID-19 or vaccination status.

Anyone who is fully vaccinated or has a negative test result for COVID-19 in the State of New York is eligible for an Excelsior Pass which provides a free, fast and secure way to present digital proof of a COVID-19 vaccination or negative test results. Further information about the Excelsior Pass Plus is available on the Excelsior Pass Plus website: https://covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/excelsior-pass-plus

If I am fully vaccinated, should I still use the App?

If you've been fully vaccinated, you should still take precautions in public places. Further guidance about full vaccination is available on the CDC website:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html.

The Excelsior Pass provides a free, fast and secure way to present digital proof of a COVID-19 vaccination or negative test results. Anyone who is fully vaccinated or has a negative test result for COVID-19 in the State of New York is eligible for an Excelsior Pass Plus. Further information about the Excelsior Pass Plus is available on the Excelsior Pass Plus website: https://covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/excelsior-pass-plus

What is the difference between the NYS ENX App and the Excelsior Pass Plus?

NYS ENX is a voluntary, anonymous, exposure-notification smartphone app. You will get an alert if you were in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19. If you have not been vaccinated or have symptoms, knowing about a potential exposure allows you to self-quarantine immediately, get tested and reduce the potential exposure risk to your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and others.

The Excelsior Pass Plus provides a free, fast and secure way to present digital proof of a COVID-19 vaccination or negative test results. Anyone who is fully vaccinated or has a negative test result for COVID-19 in the State of New York is eligible for an Excelsior Pass Plus. Further information about the Excelsior Pass Plus is available on the Excelsior Pass Plus website: https://covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/excelsior-pass-plus

Where can I get tested?

Please refer to https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/find-test-site-near-you to see where your closest testing site is. We can also assist in scheduling at a NYS testing site near you.

What should I do if I receive an alert from the app?

You received an alert because you have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 and may develop COVID-19. Please follow these steps for what to do if you were exposed, regardless of your vaccination status or if you have had a previous infection, to protect yourself and others. Please refer to https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/protect-yourself-and-your-family-coronavirus-covid-19  for a list of symptoms and guidance on prevention.

Does the app work outside of the state of New York?

Exposure Notification technology is set up based on the region that you are in (in the US, it is based on the State that you are in). By downloading the NYS ENX App and going through the onboarding process, your phone will automatically set your Exposure Notification region to New York. If you travel outside of the state of New York, your phone may continue to exchange anonymous keys with out of state contacts, but you will only receive Exposure Notifications based on your exposure to other app users using same Exposure Notification key server as New York (through the Association of Public Health Laboratories).

For iOS users, using only ENX enabled on their device, proximity notifications will trigger regardless of the region you have set.

Do New Yorkers need to download the app of other states if they travel to another state?

The iOS exposure notification system will communicate with any other users who have the feature enables, regardless of location, including foreign users. New York is working with Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey to ensure that the apps will work across state lines. This means that someone from New York who visits one of these other three states would not have to download their state specific app. However, other states may have different exposure parameters (e.g. 10 min vs. 15 min), so it is important for you to download the app and enable Exposure Notifications based on the State which you are currently living in and where you expect to be tested if needed.

What phones support the app?

The app will work on most Android (6.0 or higher) or iOS devices (13.5 or higher).

For Apple users, please follow these instructions to check your phone's version:


For Android users, please follow these instructions to check your phone's version:


I tested positive for COVID-19, where do I get my 8-digit code to enter into the app?

If you test positive after downloading the app and enabling exposure notifications, you will be eligible to receive an 8-digit code through the apps self-service features. In the NYS ENX app, you will tap the "I need a code" button>enter your phone number>enter your test date>tap the "send code" button. You will receive a secure SMS text message, simply follow the instructions in the message and enter the code into the app. A similar process occurs for iOS. Please see the section specific to Setup. Entering this code may trigger exposure alerts to any other app user that may have come into close contact with you and can help keep others safe.

I tested positive for COVID-19. How do I activate an alert to my contacts from my app?

The app allows you to elect to share your positive test result with others. Tap the "Share" button in NYS ENX and the Apple iOS Exposure Notification system to anonymously notify others.

I tested positive for COVID-19 and shared my close contact codes, which triggered exposure alerts to other app users. Will my future activity trigger any additional exposure alerts for others?

If you test positive and share your close contact codes within the app, exposure alerts will be sent to other app users based on your previous activity (up to a 14 day look back). Any of your future activity will not trigger any additional alerts.

My positive code expired. Can I get another one?

You can request a new code through the NYS ENX app. It is important to note, that a maximum of three codes can be requested in a 21-day period.

How can I reset the language setting?

With the app open, click the "App Settings" icon in the top right-hand corner of the app. From the settings menu, select the "language" menu item from the list. From the list, select your preferred language. Note that the English equivalent to each language will appear in parentheses.

What immediate steps does the app direct for those who are potentially exposed?

The app provides a link to the CDC where you will find the most recent guidance on basic directions for keeping yourself and others safe: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/if-you-were-exposed.htm

Please also visit: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/protect-yourself-and-your-family-coronavirus-covid-19

Does this alert mean that I will get COVID-19?

It does not necessarily mean you will develop COVID-19, but since you have been exposed, there is a risk that you may develop the illness. Please follow these steps for what to do if you were exposed, regardless of your vaccination status or if you have had a previous infection, to protect yourself and others. Please refer to https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/protect-yourself-and-your-family-coronavirus-covid-19  for a list of symptoms and guidance on prevention.

How will I know if I develop COVID-19? What are the symptoms?

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are cough and fever. You may also experience difficulty breathing, headaches, sore throat, congestion, confusion, vomiting and diarrhea, muscle aches, loss of taste or smell and fatigue. Symptoms can show up between 2 and 14 days after an exposure. Here is a link to a site that shows the most common symptoms of COVID-19:


How close was I to someone with COVID-19 and for how long?

Please see CDC Determination of Close Contact for detailed information.

Am I legally mandated to quarantine?

Although quarantine is no longer required after being exposed to someone with COVID-19, please follow CDC’s recommendations for what to do if you were exposed. This includes wearing a high-quality mask when indoors around others (including inside your home) for 10 days, testing, and monitoring yourself for symptoms.


Can I still go to work or school if I received a notification from this app?

Please follow the guidance related to exposure notifications if you have been alerted that you were exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19. For more information please visit: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/isolation-quarantine

Should the people in my household quarantine as well?

Please follow the guidance related to exposure notifications if you have been alerted that you were exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19. For more information please visit: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/isolation-quarantine

How do I quarantine safely? How long do I need to quarantine for?

For more information please visit: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/isolation-quarantine

Will I be able to ask for sick and/or paid leave from my employer based on the alert I received from this app?

For more information please visit: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/isolation-quarantine

I am under 18 years old, but I downloaded the app and got an alert. What should I do now?

This app is for persons 18 and over and we are not allowed to discuss this issue with minors. Please show this to your parent or legal guardian. If they have questions, they can contact your medical provider. For more information please visit: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/isolation-quarantine

Should I get tested for COVID-19?

For more information please visit: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/isolation-quarantine

How long should I wait before I get tested?

For more information please visit: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/isolation-quarantine

I already tested positive for COVID-19 weeks/months ago and was told I no longer have to isolate. Do I need to quarantine again because of this alert? Can I get COVID-19 more than once?

For more information please visit: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/isolation-quarantine

I accidentally turned off Exposure Notifications through iOS or Android settings. How can I turn it back on?

For detailed information on how to reenable NYS ENX/ENX, please see Covid-19 Exposure Notifications information and Resources.

Will the app log exposures if you were in close contact with multiple COVID positive individuals for less than 10 minutes?

Exposure Notification technology may send you an alert if you were in close contact with multiple COVID positive individuals at separate times during the same 24-hour window, even if those interactions were less than 10 minutes each.

The 10-minute threshold is cumulative. If you spend (within a 24-hour window) …

5 minutes next to Person A

3 minutes next to Person B

3 minutes next to Person C

...and person A, B, and C are confirmed positive and upload keys, you will get an exposure notification since the cumulative time is over 10 minutes.

Do any of my exposure alerts or symptoms data get sent to my healthcare provider or to my local health department?

Any alerts that you may receive in this app are completely anonymous, so the data that is collected cannot be linked to your healthcare provider(s) or Local Health Department.

Does the app work on jailbroken phones or rooted phones?

You may be able to download the NYS ENX App on a jailbroken or rooted device, but you will not be able to go through the onboarding process and turn on Exposure Notifications.

I see that open-source code was used in the development of this app. Can you share that with me?

The open-source code used for the development in this app can be found in our GitHub repository: https://github.com/google/exposure-notifications-server

In my iPhone Settings menu, I see an Exposure Notifications setting. Is this NYS ENX?

The Exposure Notifications setting for iPhones is not the NYS ENX app. The Exposure Notifications setting will exist on your device whether you have NYS ENX installed or not. NYS ENX is a free downloadable app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, and the app is used to activate the Exposure Notifications technology developed by Apple and Google. For iPhones (iOS 12.5 or 13.7 and up) that do not have NYS ENX installed, you can alternatively activate Exposure Notifications directly through your settings menu without having to download an app. Click on Settings > Exposure Notifications > Turn on Exposure Notifications and follow the on-screen prompts to enable.

What to Do if You Receive an Alert

For more information please visit: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/isolation-quarantine